
Are you a go-getter?

1. Will you stop a well-dressed person on the street and ask him/her where she shopped this from?

a. Definitely- it is through this technique that you manage to buy all the best clothes in town 
b. Sometimes- if I find the dress absolutely amazing 
c. No - I would get embarrassed asking someone such ridiculous questions.

During your past love affairs, which of you took the initiative?

a. You always took the initiative- there is no point in wasting time when you want someone
b. On a few occasions, I did make the first move
c. You always waited for your partner to take initiative.

The last time you really craved for something and you failed to get it. You were:

a. Devastated - you always thought that you deserved it
b. You were a little upset, but your disappointment did not last too long
c. You weren't surprised at all.

Have you ever been accused of stealing someone else's love interest, nabbing a project which was never yours or using a friend to get ahead in life?

a. Yes- because if you did not take it someone else would
b. Once in a while, but you couldn't help much
c. No - You do not belong to this group. You are more of a consoler.

You meet your friend at a party who has quit the job you always dreamt of having:

a. You ask for details such as, email address and contact number of her/his boss, so that you can apply for the position 
b. You exchange visiting cards with her and enquire about the job. Only then you decide if it's worth pursuing.
c. You don't bother much- you are sure to get a job somewhere else.

It's your annual review at work, and you're dying for a raise, a promotion and extra vacation days. You:

a. Wait for the boss to offer them to you
b. Ask for all three in the same breath
c. Make your case for the most important perk first, and then slide the other two in throughout the conversation.

You find your dream apartment but there are a lot of other candidates waiting to buy that house. You:

Gift the owner something valuable so that she sells the property to you
b. Call up the owner and request her if she can sell the house to you
c. Stand by your destiny and wait for the house to come your way.


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