
Better to Start with TRUST, than Doubt!

Many men and women have had to deal with this tricky but important decision in one's life. Be it at work or personal life we all face relationship challenges from time to time. The media continues to provide us with a variety of negative stories of how people got cheated of their possessions. Yes, when you learn of the story, we most often tend to sympathise with the weak or the one who got duped.

When our subconscious mind unknowingly gets exposed to such stories time and again, our inner mind cautions us to be careful with any one and everyone. And here probably lies the mistake. We seem to take the 'one size fits all approach'. We begin our every interaction by being on guard with lots of self doubts about the intentions of the other person. Every move and every action of the other person is seen from a very suspicious angle.

To add to the confusion within one's mind, we have a host of internal enemies of the mind in terms of one's own ego, jealousy, desires, anger, greed, fears, insecurity and inferiority to deal with. All these tend to wreck havoc within otherwise innocent mind creating further doubts. Now we may consult other near and dear friends and relatives for help little realising that they are likely to be biased either in your favour or against depending on the situation. Their opinions whether you like it or not is likely to further aggravate your ever growing doubts of the other person in question.

Since selfishness and self centeredness is the core of human nature, the same translates into everyday behaviour based on pre existing mindsets that are already heavily conditioned over the years. These glue-like mindsets coupled with die-hard habits form Concrete Wall-like Attitudes. That is the very start of Difficult Behaviours from otherwise well meaning people.

If you do not trust yourself, how do you expect others to trust you?

If you do not believe in yourself, how do you expect others to believe you?

If you do not love yourself, how do you expect others to love you?

If you do not respect yourself, how do you expect others to respect you?


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