
God Said

How beautiful is a heart knowingly entwined with Mine! Your heart is already entwined with Mine, so you might as well know it. Is there something else you should know that has precedence over that? Is there something else that can elevate you anywhere near the height that that one realization can? Your heart and My heart are entwined. Our hearts hold hands, as it were. We are not separated even one quarter of an inch.
Tell Me, please, what is this perceived need of yours to feel far away from Me, even isolated? To even think of being away from Me is far-fetched, yet you too often believe or have believed that is the case. Nothing could be further from the Truth, and yet you have believed it. You have believed it all too well. It as if the suffering of alienation somehow has given you a kind of satisfaction, as if you have won something. What satisfaction could that be? What could you have won but unnecessary unhappiness?
Perhaps you gained the comfort, if you can call it comfort, of being treated badly. I suppose that it could be a comfort of sorts when the feeling is one you are used to. Perhaps you would rather feel victimized than to feel yourself established in My heart. Oh, beloveds, the human mind is a funny thing. The things it can tell itself, whip up support for, and hold onto for dear life! Your mind plays Pin the Tail on the Donkey, beloveds, when your heart is pressed within Mine. Give in. Acknowledge your heart inside Mine. Put your recognition here. The fact is that Our hearts are One. Your heart rightfully belongs in Mine. There is no separation.
You can believe in separation. You have, in fact, devoted quite a bit of your life to that idea, yet you cannot alter the presence of your heart in Mine. Our hearts are stuck together, and there is no tearing them apart. You can't do it. It can't be done, and for what earthly reason would you want to?
You have been so stubborn. What exactly do you think you would be giving into when you acknowledge the true state of your heart? What would you be giving up that you seemingly don't want to let go of? What is so precious about the idea of aloneness when you can have Oneness, when Oneness is yours? What merit is there in upholding the loneliness that you manufacture yet which does not, in fact, exist? Perhaps you think loneliness is a virtue of some kind?
You can draw a picture of loneliness. You can draw a picture of anything, and your illustration does not make what you draw true. Well, it makes it true for you, yet, in fact, it is a bald-faced lie. You call yourself a realist, and yet you buy lies right and left. And you pay a high price for them. They are worth nothing, and you pay dearly for them.
Will you not draw a different picture? Perhaps one where Our hearts fly as one bird in the sky? Or a leaf? Or just as One Heart, emblemizing Our Love established in Being?
What could possibly be so awful about Our hearts being One that you would refrain from the idea, even disdain it? It is a great thing that Our hearts are One. I would not have it any other way. Would you? Would you really? Then, do you want Our Oneness so much that in your lopsided reasoning you would pile up debris of reasons to prevent yourself from enjoying Our spectacular gift of Oneness right now, saving it for later?

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