
Seductive, divine or mischievous

When Tamer Lee Owens celebrated her 104th birthday,

she admitted with all sincerity that

 "laughter, the Lord and the little things"

were the three true things that helped her keep going.

Tamer is right.

Different studies made in the past

 have definitely linked laughter to longevity.

It is absolutely necessary that man makes use of laughter,

the best gift the human kind has been blessed

 with to stand distinguished from animals,

to the maximum to win the race.

Even in the case of lovers,

though they say love at first sight,

the catalyst of the new bond,

we should not forget is only the smile that blossoms suddenly

but in the right proportion on the faces of the two involved.

We come across many candidates failing miserably

 in their interviews despite having

a very good personality, intelligence and education.

Right from the time they enter the interview room till they leave,

they never give a chance to the interviewers to know that

they are capable of smiling too!

What a pity!


 righteousness got out of deep faith in divinity

 helps man to lead a contented life.

 With this virtue imbedded in him,

 he tries to be honest and trustworthy and eschews

 gluttonic desires to augment wealth disproportionate

to his capacity and requirements.

It is but natural that peace dawns automatically

in such a person's heart,

unseating the evils like pressure and heartburn for ever.

We should never forget that small is beautiful.

Indeed little things make you feel more comfortable

than the tall big treasure troves acquired

or unaccountable success achieved.

They, without fail, destine you to get deserted

 and set you miles apart from your loving family.

Man should learn to light up his face with a smile

born out of undiluted love and compassion.

 It can be anything, seductive, divine or even mischievous.

Only care should be taken to see that,

the holy weapon of a smile is used only

 for the benefit of mankind.

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